Tremor Woodworks
Introduction Why "Tremor" Woodworks? That's because I have Essential Tremor and I wanted to raise awareness of the condition. Essential Tremor is a neurological condition that causes a rhythmic trembling of the hands, head, voice, legs or trunk. It is often confused with Parkinson’s disease although essential tremor is eight times more common, affecting an estimated 7 to 10 million Americans and millions more worldwide. Essential Tremor information In May of 2023 I took two woodturning classes from Justin at the Rockler store in Phoenix, primarily to see how turning would affect my tremors; the first being a spindle class in which I made a small mallet, and the second being a bowl turning class where I made a figured maple bowl. Both classes were taught only using carbide tools which were the only tools I owned at the time so it was appropriate for my needs at that time. I turned a few items in May and June, had surgery in June, and then resumed turning towards the middl...